1. Why did you select this passage? Why did it appeal to you?
I chose this passage because to me it painted the most vivid picture in my head. It may only have had 2 senses, visual and smell, but the amount of visual and smell imagery used in the paragraph made it the perfect passage. It appealed to me because the way the author wrote this paragraph made me feel like I was in the story. "...raining for eight days straight at the end of June..." That smell, you smell after the rain has stopped, was running through my nostrils while I was reading it. Not only did I smell that dampness after it rains, she also painted a picture for me. I could see the droplets of rain dripping from the trees leaves, and kids most likely jumping in puddles!
2. What type of imagery is most common in the passage?
Definitely visual is most common throughout my passage. It's probably the easiest imagery out of all of them, so that makes sense as to why it would be the most common. Every sentence paints a different, very clear, picture in my head.
3. What is the best snippet of imagery within this passage? Why is it so effective?
I feel the best "snippet" of imagery within my passage would have the be when the author writes, "The first sidewalk chalk drawings of the season swirled down the gutter..." I can all the different colours from the chalk swirling and mixing together, making a beautiful rainbow effect before washing away.
4. Is the imagery positive or negative? How do you know? Give some examples to support this.
This imagery is definitely negative. I know because it has a gloomy vibe to it. A good example of it being a negative imagery is when she writes, "The rain had drowned perfectly manicured lawns and the first blooms in organic vegetable gardens, turning everything to mud." I feel this quote could've gone either way with being positive or negative. I feel the use of the word "drowned" made it negative. She could have said "The rain soaked up the perfectly manicured lawns and first blooms..." And I would have had a different feel to this paragraph.
5. What mood/emotion is being created by the author? How do you know?
I think the author is trying to create a depressing emotion. I feel this way about the passage because she talks about things dying, "single wilted bouquet..." And "raining for eight days straight..." Just one day of rain is gloomy, but eight? She's definitely setting the depressed mood in this passage.
6. What is the purpose of this piece of imagery?
I believe the purpose of this imagery is that everything that was once beautiful is washed away. The author shows this by using the rain to wash everything away, like the rain washed away the first blooms, and the baseball fields, and the chalk drawings, and the beautiful Alison DiLaurentis. She shows that everything beautiful, doesn't last forever.
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